The Conversation
Starts Here
Every great adventure needs a home harbor to supply and prepare for the journey ahead. Let American Trailhead be your personal harbor and safe place to prepare.
Peace of mind is having the right protection in your house. Assurance is knowing people who can point you in the right direction. American Trailhead is where anyone from novices to experts can find outdoor gear and firearms perfect for where they are in life. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or are looking to add to your collection, our community-driven way of doing business helps pair people from all walks of life to find the gear they need. No matter the question, our knowledgeable, personable, and helpful team will guide you to a solution that checks every box.

A wide range of inventory from affordable to elite.

Approachable and educated staff with answers to your questions.

Strategic, personalized, and accurate guidance for any purchase.

Why American Trailhead
When you shop with American Trailhead, you get more than a product—you get an experience. Just like you, our team is impassioned about outdoor and shooting sports culture and how it enriches our lives. We want you to end up with the gear that best fits your goals, and our team will take the time to make sure that happens. By having conversations, being hospitable, and educating in practical ways, American Trailhead is a welcoming and supportive shop where all levels of outdoor and firearms enthusiasts can find what they’re looking for. At other stores, you’re one of many customers; at American Trailhead, you’re a valued part of the community, and we’re here to help.
American Trailhead’s morals start with our guiding principles to treat ALL people with dignity and respect.
Where We’ve Been,
Where We’re Going,
How We Got Started
American Trailhead was founded to enrich and further outdoor exploration culture and shooting sports passion through relationships and first-rate products. Character, passion, and purpose are at the core foundation of what we do, serving as motivators to work and act with excellence at every opportunity. Building off our founders’ diverse careers, American Trailhead carries out its original intent to engage with not only the outdoors and shooting sports industries, but more importantly to engage in the customer journey. What we do is carried out through our core values and guiding principles.

A Family-Owned and -Operated Team
With Your Family’s Best Interest in Mind
Our main concern is doing what’s right for our customers and every person we meet in between. We prioritize integrity to ensure American Trailhead is a brand many households trust for our strong principles and honest character. In other words, we’re not here to drive sales—we want you to end up with the product that best fits your needs. Today, tomorrow, and years from now, we’ll be here whenever you have a question.Through listening and having conversations, our informed team is here to find a solution for you. Our background and perspective allow us to help any level of customer, from the outdoor and firearm enthusiast to the novice making their first purchase. All are welcomed and valued at American Trailhead.

The American Trailhead Executive Team
Gerry Summey
CEO and Co-Founder
With a people-first mindset, Gerry Summey has decades of leadership and business management experience. His morals push the vision of American Trailhead to make it a place where people from all upbringings can find the gear they need. Gerry’s management background with a Fortune 500 global enterprise along with his master’s degree in project management and B.S. in computer science enable him to lead American Trailhead with excellence and offer a worthwhile, lasting experience for every customer.
Michael “Dutch” Summey
President and Co-Founder
Bringing nearly a decade of law enforcement experience to American Trailhead, Dutch Summey has a deep background in retail management and firearm sales. His hospitable nature combined with hands-on experience gives American Trailhead a family-like atmosphere with professional-level insight for an informed shopping opportunity. Dutch’s background in criminal justice and enthusiasm for outdoor culture makes American Trailhead a great place to shop while learning about and loving all we have to offer.
Rob Torres
eCommerce Director
Rob Torres is a former sales representative for a multimillion-dollar leather holster company and a former sales manager of a Metro Atlanta five-star NSSF range. Passionate about building strategic partnerships with vendors and manufacturers, Rob aims to provide the best products and experiences for customers. His experience on two sides of the sales counter brings a distinct perspective of the firearms industry to American Trailhead and our customers. Along with Rob’s hands-on knowledge of managing large scale projects, he also brings invaluable discipline and leadership from his service as U.S. Army medic.

The American Trailhead Community
Just as we appreciate and respect everyone who shops and engages with American Trailhead, we find every relationship with our vendors to be equally important. We partner with the brands we find provide the best products and overall value for our customers. Simply put, if we wouldn’t buy it ourselves, we wouldn’t sell it at American Trailhead. The quality, integrity, and character of our partners align with all that American Trailhead stands for.