Turkey Season is Upon Us! – Are You Heading After Ole’ Thomas?
It’s springtime folks and for a lot of us out there, that means Turkey Hunting Season!
Spring turkey season starts at the end of February with the youth season in Florida and extends into early June up in Michigan. That means we have four solid months to call them in and bag a bird of a lifetime or try to complete a Turkey Grand Slam. To complete a Grand Slam you need to harvest all four species of wild turkey: Osceola, Eastern, Rio Grande, and Merriam turkeys. This is an achievement of a lifetime and with four months to trek across the country during the season, who doesn’t think this just sounds amazing?
Now that you’re excitement is up, and you’re ready to get out there, do you have what you need for the hunt? It can be overwhelming and you might doubt you have the ability or funds to outfit such a hunt. But, with American Trailhead backing your next hunt with all of the gear you need in one location – your dream hunt is only a click away!
Seriously, from shotguns to turkey calls to chokes and hunting vests to the Turkey Gobbler Fanatic decoy, you don’t have to look any further and get these items right to your doorstep.
American Trailhead wants you to be equipped and without a doubt on your next turkey hunt. All you have to do is, call in the bird and harvest the bird.
For a full list of turkey hunting items: CLICK HERE or if you have any questions at all, the folks over at American Trailhead are experts in the outdoor hunting and adventure world – contact them today either by email or phone at 866-443-5531.
Best of luck this turkey hunting season and stay safe everyone!