Top 5 Items to Include in Your Hiking Pack: Don’t Leave Home Without Them!
Are you excited about your next hiking experience? To enjoy your hiking to the fullest, you must carry the proper equipment. If it’s your first time, you tend to get confused when deciding what to include in your hiking pack.
This post clears all your confusion as you learn what to carry in your hiking pack. Here is a list of items that you should carry when hiking:
1. GPS Device
GPS devices and phone apps are great tools to use a map and compass when you hike. If you want to use your GPS continuously, you should activate a power bank, so the device never stops functioning. GPS can be excellent as you don’t need to carry a map and compass separately.
2. Insulator
Weather condition is unpredictable, and thus, you should carry an extra insulation cloth layer even on a summer trip. A layered and quick-dry outfit can keep you warm and safe when the temperature declines. Rain protection and a down hooded jacket can help you on almost all your hiking trips. Wear synthetic layers as that can prevent your clothes from soaking with sweat. Once you stop hiking, the cloth quickly makes you feel highly chilling.
3. Illuminator
Carry a headlamp on your hiking trip, so you don’t get lost in the dark and move ahead on the right track. Try to hike with your smartphone so you can switch on the torch when you need a backup light source. Test the headlamp batteries before you start hiking. If your hike trip takes longer than your expected duration and sunsets, the headlamp will always help you move ahead.
4. First Aid Kit
You should always carry an all-inclusive first aid kit on your hiking trip. A pre-packaged first aid kit is a lightweight setup for minor aches. As you trail more, you can add or remove items from your first aid kit suited to your requirements. Don’t forget to replace usable items once you return home from trekking.
5. Repair Kit and Tools
To have a safe hiking experience, carry a primary repair and multitool on all your hiking experiences. A standard multi-tool knife that works in various situations, and you can use them anytime on the trail. Tenacious and duct tape are perfect tools to repair gear in the field, so you should carry a small amount of these tools in your backpack. Tenacious Tape is ideal for fixing sleeping pad punctures, puffy coat holes, sleeping bag rips, and tent fabric tears. Duct tape is a good repairing tool, which you can use to splint a broken tent pole, fix sunglasses and prevent blisters when you feel a foot hot spot.
These are some of the items you should include in your hiking pack and have an enjoyable experience. Don’t forget to leave home without them when you go hiking. American Trailhead offers you the best outdoor sports equipment and gear at an affordable price.